Calendar ‘25
Kυκλοφόρησε το νέο ημερολόγιο μας για το 2025!
The color of 2025 is finally here, according to Pantone. “Mocha Mousse” is an earthy brown, simple but sophisticated and rather nostalgic. Surely it reminds us of chocolate mousse, which brings back childhood memories and is nevertheless a classic, signature flavor of simplicity. Mocha mousse reminds us that the simpler things in life can be of great value in the long run, due to the emotional effect they may have on us. Let us paint 2025 in this grounding color that reminds us of the effect of time.
Αξία έχει η συμμετοχή και όχι η νίκη. -Πιέρ ντε Κουμπερντέν
Silence can be eloquent if we choose to listen
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